R & D and Innovation

Smarket Project

A project co-funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, as part of the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011.

File number: IPT-2012-0230-060000

The aim of the project is the creation of an information management system aligned with the European Future Internet (FI) initiative and the corresponding applications and services that allow users and participants in the food distribution process to manage information relating to products, experience and client preferences.


The SEDOC project aims to improve current document management systems with an innovative and interoperable solution for the management, control and monitoring of original digital and physical documents in intelligent spaces. The system will be able to control all document management procedures in both digital and physical environments, enabling, for sophisticated searches, the detection and monitoring of documents on any site and at any time.

The SEDOC project is an innovation project funded through the AVANZA Competitiveness (R&D) 2011 programme, as part of the National Plan for Research, Development and Technological Innovation, file number: TSI-020100-2011-62.


The main technological aim of CO-LABORA is to provide a convenient technical solution for cooperation between local councils and citizens interested in improving the state of their town or city, involving the development of a web tool for intelligent participation and collaboration.

Partially funded by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR), as part of the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011, in the Avanza Competitiveness R&D 2012 call, with file number: TSI-020606-2012-18.


The aim of E-FLOW is to develop a comprehensive evacuation support system that enables the centralisation of information coming from the monitoring of spaces in any type of infrastructure, including aspects such as occupation, temperature, smoke, etc., so that, by viewing the data obtained in real time, alternative evacuation plans can be generated taking into account new situations that may occur (e.g. blocked exits, inaccessible corridors, etc.).


The aim of the MINDKEEPIN project is to Research and Develop a tool that facilitates the ideation/management process of ideas with users and clients.

MINDKEEPIN is a tool that will provide reliable and true responses from users, bringing them to the company to test business hypotheses and avoiding the launching onto the market of products or services based on poorly formulated assumptions. This reduces uncertainty and risk. This tool will assist company managers responsible for innovation processes, business development and marketing, while helping to boost relationships with users remotely.

Partially funded by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR), as part of the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011, in the Avanza Competitiveness R&D 2012 call, with file number: TSI-020602-2012-173.

Proyecto Perimeter Security

The Perimeter Security for Large Vehicles and Heavy Machinery project’s mission is to develop a fully commercial product, applicable cross-sectorally, for vehicles and machinery of great size and weight which require support personnel in their perimeter environment in order to carry out their activities.

This project is co-funded by the Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI), part of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, in the ERDF-Innterconecta 2016 call.

The members of the consortium aspire to satisfying needs that are not covered in a market composed of different target niches, in addition to exponentially growing their volume of activity, business and presence in a market as competitive as technology.

The aim is to improve the safety of workers who perform their work around heavy machinery through the activation of an alarm system that detects personnel within a range of between 10 and 30 metres. This system, equipped with cutting-edge technology, will enable drivers of heavy machine to know the location of the support personnel who work around the vehicle or machinery at all times, thereby preventing accidents as far as possible.

This detection system will enable safety to be managed from inside the vehicle itself through the implementation of new safety measures to prevent accidents involving the running over of personnel or other circumstances.

Despite the existence of appropriate precautions and safety protocols, circumstances that hinder contact between work colleagues can cause hazards. With this people and machinery positioning technology, the chances of an accident occurring are minimised.

For more information, go to www.proyecto-perimetersecurity.com